Wednesday 22 September
All sessions will take place at Tieteiden Talo, Kirkkokatu 6, 00170 Helsinki.
9:30 |
KEYNOTE Room 505 Sverre Bagge (University of Bergen, Norway) - From fist to scepter. Authority in Norway in the Middle Ages. |
10:30 | COFFEE |
11:00 |
Room 505, Chair: Päivi Salmesvuori, Helsinki Sean Otto (University of Toronto, Canada) - Teaching Authority and the Pastoralia in the Sermons of John Wyclif. Laurie Mckee (Northumbria University, England) - Mastering Misrule: Robin Hood and the Ethics of Hospitality. Jenny Lee (Northwestern University, USA) - From Complaint to Confession: Confessional Authority in Thomas Hoccleve’s Compleynt and Dialogue. |
11:00 |
Session 6B: RELIGIOUS AND LEGAL AUTHORITY IN MEDIEVAL NORTHERN EUROPE Room 404, Chair: Robin Sutherland-Harris, Toronto Johnny Jakobsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) - ”What Jesus means’ is…” - The Dominican Order as Theological Authority for Kings, Clerks and Peasants in Medieval Northern Europe. Michael H. Gelting (Danish National Archives, Denmark / University of Aberdeen, Scotland) - Frozen in Time: Perpetuating the Authority of Oral Testimonies of Court (tingsvidner) in Fourteenth-Century Denmark. Reima Välimäki (University of Turku, Finland) - Authority of Archbishop Nicolaus Catilli of Uppsala in a 14th Century Swedish Heresy Trial. |
12:45 |
LUNCH Grand Casino, Fennia Salonki |
14:15 |
Session 7A: TWELFTH-CENTURY SCHOLARS AND AUTHORITY Room 505, Chair: Jaakko Tahkokallio, Helsinki Nadja Johansson (University of Helsinki, Finland) - “King Ptolemy and the Sages of India” - Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Scientific Sources and Their Roles in His Ideology. Sigbjørn Sønnesyn (University of Bergen, Norway) - Scito te ipsum: The Anthropology of Authority in Twelfth-Century Thought. Toivo J. Holopainen (University of Helsinki, Finland) - Authority and Reason: Lanfranc, Berengar, Anselm. |
14:15 |
Session 7B: MIRACULOUS AUTHORITY IN MEDIEVAL ICELAND Room 404, Chair: Susanna Niiranen, Jyväskylä Kirsi Kanerva (University of Turku, Finland) - Authority of the Deceased. The Restless Dead and Their Influence on the Living in Medieval Iceland. Frog (University of Helsinki, Finland) - Snorri Sturluson qua Fulcrum in the Evolution of Mythology and Poetics in Medieval Iceland. Sirpa Aalto (University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland) - Saga of the Jómsvikings as an Example of Heroic Storytelling. |
15:45 | COFFEE |
16:15 |
PLENARY SESSION Room 505 Matti Kilpiö (University of Helsinki) - The Dawn of Old English Studies in Finland. |
19:00 |
CONFERENCE DINNER Restaurant Sipuli |